Your purchase puts YOU in charge! Every share purchased is associated with one vote, and all shareholders have the opportunity to be elected to our Board of Directors at our annual Meeting of Owners.
Read about the share types below, then use the form at right to select how many shares you would like to purchase. We will reach back out to you via email to provide information about payment options. If you have further questions, please email us at or use the contact form below.
Please note! Only individuals (not businesses, organizations, or groups of people) can own shares, and each individual is limited to a total of 10 shares, regardless of the class of share. However, members of the same household are eligible to own 10 shares each. For example, a married couple could each purchase 10 shares, for a total of 20 shares/votes for their household. An individual can also invest in different classes of shares, but the total number of shares owned cannot exceed 10. This ensures that no one individual controls the business, keeping it a truly cooperative enterprise.
Preferred Stock
$1000 per share. Minimum purchase of 5 shares. Interest rate of 4% payable annually, beginning to accrue when the co-op commences business operations (likely summer/fall 2022). Principal payoffs are at the Board’s discretion (and with the intention of paying off within 5–10 years). After repayment of principal and accumulated interest, each share is converted to Common A stock.
Common A Stock
$500 per share. Proportionate consideration for available dividends at the Board’s discretion. Common A shareholders would be considered first in line for any available dividend payments.
Common B Stock
$100 per share. Proportionate consideration for available dividends at the Board’s discretion.